Seeing an Internal Medicine Physician for a Health Screening
Doctors of internal medicine offer first-line care to adult patients of all ages in the form of routine medical checks and screening. An internist also uses their broad knowledge to make accurate diagnoses and provide practical, personalized treatment.
When patients need specialist care, the internist will consult with specialists and oversee treatment. They will coordinate their patient’s care until the illness resolves.
Primary care physicians prefer a proactive approach to health care, which involves keeping tabs on their patients’ health. Monitoring involves annual checkups and personalized health screenings. Keep reading to learn more about a health screening, its uses, and its benefits.
Role of internal medicine in healthcare
Internal medicine focuses on preventing, diagnosing, and treating a wide range of health conditions. Practitioners of this branch of medicine have a vast knowledge of the diseases, injuries, and chronic conditions that can affect multiple demographics of adults. A doctor of internal medicine acquires this breadth of knowledge as they pursue a degree in internal medicine. This puts internists (physicians who practice internal medicine) in a unique position to offer primary healthcare services, like health screenings.
An adult health screening is a preventative measure to check otherwise healthy patients for possible illnesses. The factors that determine the specifics of health screenings are:
- Family history of a certain disease
- A medical history of certain illnesses
- Age, weight, and sex
- Genetic predisposition to certain conditions
- An ongoing public health situation that requires widespread testing
- The availability of simple, affordable tests for certain illnesses
These are a few of the factors that determine the types of tests that make up an individual’s health screening. Certain tests will feature in most patients’ periodic medical checkups. Here is how an internal medicine physician oversees their patient’s health screening.
What to expect from an adult health screening
A primary care physician will always include a cholesterol and blood sugar test in their patient’s checkup. Some patients between the ages of 40 and 60 may also undergo a screening for breast cancer. Others may need screenings for cervical cancer at a frequency that varies with age.
A screening may include a prostate exam for older patients. The doctor may also check for illnesses like colorectal cancer. Basically, the list of tests that constitute an adult health screening changes from one person to the next.
Personalized health care to suit all your needs
Our practice offers primary health care that our resident physician can tailor to meet your needs. Get in touch if you are near Manassas and seeking a primary care physician. Our internal medicine doctor can provide the care that you need.
Request an appointment here: or call Millennium Medical Care Manassas at (703) 673-1558 for an appointment in our Manassas office.
Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Internal Medicine in Manassas, VA.
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