Women’s Health: Five Overlooked Issues

Womens Health Manassas, VA

Women's health is a part of medicine that can involve a wide range of issues. Because it covers so much, there are often a lot of challenges that get overlooked.

The body of a woman is complex because of its ability to gestate a baby. With that comes a whole host of issues that do not apply to men or even children. These overlooked issues can create permanent, irreversible damage, which is why it is so crucial to regularly visit a primary care physician. Continue reading to learn more about some of the most commonly overlooked issues in women's health

Overlooked issues in women's health 

Outlined below are five of the most common issues that get overlooked in women's health. Having a thorough understanding of these issues may be helpful when it comes to prevention.

1. Autoimmune diseases

Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis are some of the most common autoimmune diseases, all of which do not receive treatment as soon as they should. The smallest symptom may seem normal to the average person. Regularly seeing a doctor can be helpful when it comes to determining that an autoimmune disease is present. 

2. Colon cancer

Colon cancers are often asymptomatic, which is why they can be so easily overlooked. Additionally, not a lot of women undergo a regular colonoscopy due to the lack of understanding of how serious this type of cancer can be. Once a woman reaches the age of 45, colonoscopies are recommended yearly. 

3. Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer in women is one of the most commonly overlooked issues. A lot of women skip getting a pap smear on a regular basis, which is the screening that checks for warning signs of cancerous cells on the cervix. While it may seem minor, the problem is that cervical cancer can be irreversible for the reproductive system's ability to function, and it can be extremely hard to catch for the average person. 

4. Breast cancer

Mammograms are the screenings that are performed to check for breast cancer; however, a lot of women skip or put off undergoing the examination. It is recommended to start getting mammograms every three years after age 29. After age 40, they are recommended yearly. It can be easy to overlook a very small lump in the breast area, which is why mammograms are so crucial. 

5. Heart conditions

A lot of heart conditions get overlooked in women's health because there are not always obvious signs that something is wrong. A moment of shortness of breath might not seem concerning to the average person, but in actuality, it can indicate an issue with the heart. It is always recommended to have the heart checked out if there are any warning signs, minor or major. 

Find out more about women's health issues

Want to know more about some of the issues that get overlooked in women's health? Talking with a primary care physician or even a local urgent care center can be helpful when it comes to getting educated on women's health issues. Both resources can go over any concerns or questions that may be outstanding. Additionally, an appointment can be scheduled to check for any warning signs that might indicate a serious issue. 

Request an appointment here: https://hoadly.millenniummedicalcare.com or call Millennium Medical Care Manassas at (703) 673-1558 for an appointment in our Manassas office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Women's Health in Manassas, VA.

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